Announcement of OFA’s new advisor – Khun Orathai Gerdsub

Sep 25, 2023

Today, we’re thrilled to introduce Orathai Gerdsub, อ้อ อรทัย เกิดทรัพย์ – ภูเก็ต also known as Khun Or, a passionate advocate for Phuket’s environment. As a former Head of Digital Strategy at Krungsi Bank and a dedicated diver for decades, Khun O is committed to making Phuket a better place while protecting its precious marine ecosystems.

We’re grateful to have Khun O on board with us. Her support, dedication, and belief in our mission drive us forward. Together, we’re positively impacting Phuket’s future and our planet’s health. Thank you, Khun Or, for inspiring us all.

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